Encouraging a photographic eye
Beginners or new members often join a photographic club to learn and elevate their skills. However these members sometimes feel their work is not up to standard and often avoid submitting work to public viewings in competitions and exhibitions.Objective
To encourage members to submit their work for competitions and exhibitions by organised and facilitated feedback in small working groups so that each photographer knows what to keep doing, and what to do differently.Format
A short interactive presentation of about fifteen minutes introduces the workshop; it includes a short exercise to get into the mood, mentoring tips on how to give, and receive, feedback.The working part of the workshop is small syndicates of four to six people around a table who review the images, and provide feedback on the image directly onto a handout. The feedback is made up of three positive things about the image, and up to three (positively expressed) things that would make the image even better. All feedback handouts go back to the owner of the image. For example, if there are five syndicate groups, a total thirty items of feedback might be realised — far more than a judge can give in the one-minute slot in a competition.
Club members receive encouragement and suggestions for their images. All done in a positive manner.The small-group working means that members have the chance to speak with each other throughout the evening.